Welcome to RCEP

Decorative image with colored diamonds on gray background

Helping Students Reach Their Dreams

The Richfield College Experience Program (RCEP) provides an opportunity to recover credits and to expand options for high school students who may need a different environment than that of a traditional high school setting.

Our goal is to provide students with the opportunity to learn in a small community where each voice matters, acknowledge prior learning and provide a personalized learning experience tailored to each individual as they work toward graduation. Students with consistent attendance and work completion in the first semester will have the opportunity for dual enrollment at Normandale Community College to earn high school and college credit with guidance and support from our school counselor.  

To help support the success of our students, we provide:

  • Small learning communities developed to support ongoing student engagement
  • Technology access through Chromebooks, computer labs and media resources 
  • 24/7 access to learning
  • Staff advising hours to support academic and social-emotional needs
  • School counselor for academic planning and support  
  • Student support services provided by the school social worker and the special education teacher
Richfield Spartan logo: gray helmet in red diamond with black background

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