2022-23 Student Schedules

Decorative image with colored diamonds on gray background

Class Schedule Options for 2022-23

Important things to note: 

  • Students will be in the building four days each week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday).
  • Wednesdays are centered on advisory support from teachers, community building time, elective credit earning time and fieldtrip time. Wednesday afternoons students are in their classes asynchronously.
  • Lunch will be provided on site.  Students may bring their own lunch as well.
  • WIN (What I Need) time is also offered Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday during the first and last hours of the day.  Students can work on site with their advisor and/or teacher or schedule an appointment through Google Meet if working from home. 
  • Please contact Director Dr. Willhite for more information: 612-412-4183 or at kasya.willhite@rpsmn.org

Bell Schedule

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday * Thursday Friday


Hour 1 Hour 1 Hour 1 Hour 1 Hour 1
9:18-10:08 Hour 2 Hour 2 Hour 2 Hour 2 Hour 2

Hour 3

Hour 3

Hour 3

Hour 3

Hour 3


Hour 4

Hour 4

Hour 4

Hour 4

Hour 4


Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
12:09-12:59 Hour 5 Hour 5 Wednesday afternoons students are in their courses asynchronously Hour 5 Hour 5
1:02-1:52 Hour 6 Hour 6 Hour 6 Hour 6
1:55-2:45 Hour 7 Hour 7 Hour 7 Hour 7
2:48-3:30 Hour 8 Hour 8 Hour 8 Hour 8

*Wednesday Mornings are Experiential Learning, Community Service, and Advisory time. 

Qualifiers for "At Risk of Not Graduating

  1. Performing substantially below the performance level for pupils of the same age in a locally determined achievement test (i.ed. NWEA)
  2. Is behind in satisfactorily completing coursework or obtaining credits for graduation
  3. Is pregnant or is a parent
  4. Has been assessed as chemically dependent
  5. Has been excluded or expelled
  6. Has been referred by a school district for enrollment in an eligible program
  7. Is a victim of physical or sexual abuse
  8. Has experienced mental health problems
  9. Has experienced homelessness
  10. Speaks English as a second language or has limited English proficiency
  11. Has withdrawn from school or has been chronically truant
  12. Is being treated in a hospital in the seven-county metropolitan area for cancer or other life-threatening illness or is the sibling of an eligible pupil who is currently being treated, and resides with the pupil's family at least 60 miles beyond the outside boundary of the seven-county metropolitan area

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