Student Support Services
We are committed to supporting the whole student, ensuring that each student and family are equipped with the support necessary to succeed in school and life.
Christina Gonzalez, Director of Student Support Services
Family Outreach Workers
Outreach workers work directly with families and students to provide information regarding various resources available through the schools and the Richfield community. In addition, our outreach workers work directly with parents to help them understand our educational system. This means both how it works and how they can get involved to help their children successfully graduate and become part of their community.
School Social Workers
School social workers seek to reduce barriers to student success. High-quality education, academic achievement and social-emotional learning are at the core of our mission. When our students come to school facing challenges in their homes, communities and personal lives it can make learning at school difficult. School social workers are in each school to address barriers and disrupt the pattern of challenges. Our school social workers provide support and resources to support students and families at home, school, and in the community. We promote Richfield’s core values of caring, respect, honesty and responsibility. We work to make each school a welcoming, healthy, supportive and safe environment for all of our students and their families.
School Counselors
School counselors provide a comprehensive school counseling program that addresses the academic, career and personal/social needs of all students. School counselors are professional student advocates who provide support to maximize student potential and academic achievement. In partnership with educators, parents and the community, licensed school counselors help to ensure that students in Richfield are prepared academically and socially with the knowledge and skills to contribute at their highest level as productive members of society. In addition, school counselors provide individual and classroom sessions to guide and assist students through a wide variety of personal/social, academic and postsecondary planning needs. They are also involved with new student registration, scheduling, building transitions, consultation with parents and teachers, 504 case management, referrals to outside agencies and overall coordination of the school counseling program.
Student Engagement Specialists
Student Engagement Specialists are essential support staff in our buildings. They offer one-on-one support to students and communicate as needed with families. Additionally, they are present in hallways, the lunchroom and during recess to offer in-the-moment support and resources to address social and emotional challenges for individual students and small groups. Our Student Engagement Specialists receive training around restorative practices and de-escalating stressful situations.
Student Support Staff
Richfield College Experience Program
Richfield College Experience Program